Tours To Toledo -best options available

A small history of tours to Toledo

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Why Toledo?: its historic center  whose location equals in originality Venice or Bruges, stands on the promontory that contours a large meander of the river Tagus,  which surrounds the city to the east, south and west. Known generally as the City of Three Cultures, due to the peaceful -sometimes this I san overstatement- coexistence of Christians, Muslims and Jews for centuries, Toledo offers inside its walls a spectacular display of the history of Spanish art. All the groups that have shaped the history of Spain – Romans, Visigoths, Muslims, Jews and Christians – left their mark on Toledo and can still be seen and enjoyed, making it worthy of being declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986, for its scenic values, its geographical environment , the Cigarrales, Las Vegas and their viewpoints, some of which offer breathing views of Toledo.

Today Toledo retains the image of a medieval cityand is protected and sheltered in towers and walls. A good number of different doors are opened through which you can access Toledo´s

 impressive historic center. From its main entrance, which is located at the the Bisagra Gate, to the San Martín Bridge and the Alcántara Bridge (both beautiful), in different positions, its historic site offers numerous sites to visit and contemplate. The solemn and rich Cathedral of Toledo, the imposing Alcazar castle and fortress (today a museum)  in front of the Tagus, the Mosque of Christ of the Light, the synagogues of Santa María la Blanca and the Transit, the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes, the Palace of Fuensalida, the Convent of San Gil and The Santa Cruz Museum are just a few examples of the many historical monuments and buildings that the city houses.